Monday 4 April 2016

Stevie's Pedicure

Years ago mum bought dog nail clippers, the dog got enough exercise that her nails were in pretty good shape, but every now and then she might need a trim.
Problem was even big dogs can get nervous and Maia would cry and shiver when she even saw those clippers. The idea of trying to calmly clip that bullmastiffs dark nails while avoiding the quick was so stressful for all involved that to the best of my knowledge, the clippers were never used.
Oh well, a few more walks on the pavement will help!

Needless to say, until yesterday I didn't have much experience with trimming animal nails and when Miss A pointed out Stevie ducks curly back nails

we realised it was time to pick up our own clippers. Scratching in the dirt and running around all day, none of the other birds have nail issues, the chickens peck at things all the time and clean their beaks so those are all in good shape too.

'So you are going to be clipping some nails this afternoon?' asked the polite and perky lady behind the pet store counter.
'Yeah, it's going to be interesting'
'You'll be fine! just tire them out first, and then offer lots of treats'
entertained by the idea of running around the back yard trying to wear out Stevie I laughed
'It's actually for a duck....'
I expected confusion, but she smiled, 'just wrap him in a towel, cover his wings and head. he'll calm down and it'll be fine'
She went on to explain that she used to work for a place where they would look after and weigh chickens. Apparently they used to weigh them by placing them in a pillowcase and hanging it from one of those scales with a hook on it. (T asked later 'like a luggage scale?' huh, that's a great idea! might have to look into one)

Memories of a young Whitney duck kicking, screaming and scratching her way out of vet wrap made us all very glad it was Stevie duck we wanted. He was easily collected and lay complaint and calm, his face covered by a towel and his big duck feet out in the open. His nails are a light colour which makes avoiding the blood supply in them much easier and it was only the rear one that was a problem. He jerked his foot once which made me nervous, but he was a good boy. Miss A trimmed his other nail and we uncovered him,

it's not good for chickens to be on their back too long so I guess it's not good for ducks either. We rolled him over for a treat of meal worms before he quacked away to catch up with his girlfriends who were busy searching for him outside.

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