Sunday 22 May 2016

Sunny lays her first egg

'The chicken in the nest this morning didn't look like Lacey'
There hasn't been any early warning, none of the chicky girls squat for me, the cockerel or the drake even now. Maybe I miss a lot by not being home during the day on weekdays, but our signs a chicken will lay her first egg either today or tomorrow have been whittled down to:
obsession with nesting spots
interest in getting to high areas
bright red, large comb and wattles
HIGH level of agitation and lots of squawking!
Sunny stuck unusually close to me as I put out food and water early Thursday morning and as I left for work she climbed between nesting boxes, Blue parked her butt in front and poked her head in to see what was happening while Lacey squawked at her feathery friends to get the heck out of the coop.
Miss A called me at work but not a lot could be heard over a chorus of BAWK BAWK BAWK bawk bawk BAWK BAWK!
By midday Sunny had joined the ranks of laying pullet.
Lacey and Sunny, egg layers!
Our unusually warm autumn weather is giving way to early winter storms. The flock seem to be getting better at not just sitting in the driving rain like crazy buggers, they have even conquered their fear of the Grandpa feeder!
They still enjoy knowing what I'm doing, It's been far too wet to deal with the gardens but there is always plenty to do in the coop. You have to be very careful raking the bedding around as it's not unusual to find Lacey right under you, the best spot to dustbathe is right where you need to be!
A large hole has been cut in the interior wall next to the roosting area in the coop, chickens poop a lot in their sleep and I'd really like to get some ventilation in that area. The removed wall panel will become a door with hinges but I only have the weekends to work on framing the area. With the roost removed I work on cutting timber down, the ducks aren't interested in being inside with me but the chickens have come to help
What's this? What are you doing to our house now?
They aren't impressed with change
I carefully raked the shavings away from my work area, finding a dropped screw in a massive pile of shavings is not fun. The chickies thoughtfully put it all back
Thanks guys! although I only just did that...
Sorry, I guess you will have to wait until next weekend for your door to go up

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