Tuesday 17 May 2016

Week 30 with the chickadees

Mid May, the flock scamper from the coop in the morning to search for treats, their under carriages soggy from traipsing through frosty grass. The weather has been so warm it's hard to believe we are only a few weeks away from winter,  the duck gang seem to enjoy any rain we get, squeeking and honking while attacking puddles.
Lacey took one day off but has laid a pretty little speckled egg every day since her first. The ritual begins with her peeking into the nesting boxes and crying until Chuck joins her to inspect the place and help dig the perfect chicky crater.
The deed done, she screeches her egg song while Chuck announces the daily happenings to the neighbouring roosters. Lizzy, Blue and Sunny occasionally poke around while Lacey lays (until she yells at them all to leave) they seem curious, but haven't joined in yet.
What else has been happening lately?

Lacey demonstrating the best way to use the feeder
Whitney tries her hand at making a nest outside, obviously she is the master of disguise. I'd be surprised if anyone can even find her in this Where's Wally-esque shot.
She gave up eventually, no eggs have been laid in her super hideout.
Sunny and Lizzy trying their best to ignore me
The gang take a leisurely dust bath during coop cleaning time
Fluffy butt preening time
Blue and Lizzy contemplate jeans, one of their favourite things to scratch at


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