Sunday 29 May 2016

5 Egg days

On Thursday Blue poked around the nesting boxes as she usually does, bothering Sunny who just wanted a bit of piece and quiet and past Lacey who has taken to hunkering down in Whitney's crater. Only now, Blue also leaves egg presents too!
Every day they lay about an hour later than the previous day and then take a day off. Whitney lays without fail in her crater and Bonnie drops hers in the coop somewhere, we often have 5 little presents a day to find.

Our pre winter storms are getting nuts, thunderstorms, driving rain
the ducks
loving it

Proud of their mud moustaches which they empty into the water containers the second I place clean ones down, and working hard to turn every mud puddle into a swimming hole.
Lacey here sports a look common with the chickens these days known as 'bedraggled wet fluff ball'. They often shelter under the big palm tree or in the old duck house, but the siren song of a wet paddock full of tasty slimy and crunchy things is hard for a little chicky to ignore... by days end they are often more water than chicken. Lucky for them the water doesn't soak into their downy fluff and their skin stays dry.

During brief periods of sunshine on Saturday the chicken crew (in all their fluffy, dry glory) decided to help me work inside the coop. As usual their idea of help involves standing exactly where I want to be, scratching in the wood shavings I am trying to move.

'brrr? brrrrp' scratch scratch
Until they find perfect spot to writhe around and watch the door go up.
A hand saw, hinges, gate latches, handfuls of screws and some weekend hours later...

The black rectangular tub is full of sand and dirt for inside dust baths, it has been inside (and ignored) for a few weeks now.
The ducks power poop in their sleep, wet mess, which wouldn't be so bad if they didn't park their little butts right against the back wall... some thick polycarbonate plastic has been placed in front of their target. Once the wall is dry, I will screw the plastic against it.

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